
عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠١٠

Secret societies their mysteries revealed

Secret societies their mysteries revealed Publisher: Clipper Audio, 2008 | narrated by Paul Hecht Publisher Rearsby Duration: 10 hr., 45 min. Language: English Audio CD in MP3 154 MB

Colleen Schultz, "Just in Time Algebra (Just in Time Series)"

Colleen Schultz, "Just in Time Algebra (Just in Time Series)" LearningExpress | 2004 Year ISBN: 1576855058  PDF / Pages: 288 2 MB

The Only Three Questions That Count: Investing by Knowing What Others Don't

The Only Three Questions That Count: Investing by Knowing What Others Don't Publisher: Your Coach Digital 2008-05-06 ISBN: 9781596591677 MP3 format | Duration: 15 hours 11 minutes  Bitrate: 64 kbps  439 MB

Basic Math and Pre-Algebra (Cliffs Study Solver)

Basic Math and Pre-Algebra (Cliffs Study Solver) Cliffs Notes ISBN 0764537644 | 2003-06-20 PDF | 336 Pages  1 Mb

Dr Seselj - Hasko bajramsko prase

Dr Seselj - Hasko bajramsko prase Dr Seselj - Hasko bajramsko prase (2005) serbia book | PDF | ISBN 8683451828 | 1000 page | 2.4 mb

Medizinisches Wörterbuch Deutsch-Türkisch / Türkisch-Deutsch

Medizinisches Wörterbuch Deutsch-Türkisch / Türkisch-Deutsch Springer 2006 ISBN: 3540228764 206 pages PDF 1,52 MB

Linguaphone PDQ Turkish (4 CD + Coursebook)

Linguaphone PDQ Turkish (4 CD + Coursebook) 2001 Linguaphone ISBN: 0747308705 MP3 + PDF ~170 MB

Турецкий за три месяца. Упрощенный языковой курс

Турецкий за три месяца. Упрощенный языковой курс Астрель 2005 ISBN: 527114179 288 pages DJVU 1,2 MB


LE GUIDE INTERACTIF DE LA PHOTO DU NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CD-Rom PC & Mac NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ~ 2.1 GiGa  LE GUIDE INTERACTIF DE LA PHOTO DU NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Qui donc ne rêverait pas de réaliser des clichés aussi réussis que ceux des grands professionnels ? C'est ce que vous propose ce Guide Interactif de la photo du NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Créé pour aider les photographes, des débutants aux plus expérimentés, ce guide indique, instructions et conseils précis à l'appui, comment transformer une photo ordinaire en une belle photo. Après une première partie consacrée aux techniques de base et au matériel nécessaire, le guide aborde de grands thèmes (les animaux, les paysages, les portraits…), expliqués et illustrés chacun par un photographe du NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Vous découvrirez ainsi les techniques et les "trucs" des grands noms de la photo, David Allan Harvey, Jodi Cobb, Michael Nichols. Ils vous révéleront aussi cette sensibilité, ce regard particul...

Cours de mathématiques. tome 4 Algèbre bilinéaire et géométrie

Cours de mathématiques. tome 4 Algèbre bilinéaire et géométrie DUNOD 1993 ISBN: 2040165509 541 pages Djvu 7,8 MB

Assimil-German-Audio and Book

Assimil-German-Audio and Book Audio CD: 407 Seiten Verlag: Assimil-Verlag; Auflage: Book & CD (März 1997) ISBN-10: 270051050X ISBN-13: 978-2700510508 Size : 2x70 MB

Беглый огонь! Записки немецкого артиллериста 1940-1945

Беглый огонь! Записки немецкого артиллериста 1940-1945 2009  Вильгельм Липпих Яуза-Пресс ISBN: 978 5995500414 руcский PDF 304 pages 7.0 Mb 

Танки (Справочник, чч. 1-2) | Heigl's Taschenbuch der Tanks (Teil 1-2)

Танки (Справочник, чч. 1-2) | Heigl's Taschenbuch der Tanks (Teil 1-2) Государственное военное издательство НКО СССР 1936-1937 ISBN: N/A 440+399 стр PDF+DJVU 53 Mb

Kate Stevenson Clark, Madonna M. Murphy, Sharon L. Banas - Handling Peer Pressure

Kate Stevenson Clark, Madonna M. Murphy, Sharon L. Banas - Handling Peer Pressure Publisher: Chelsea House Publications 2009-01-30  ISBN: 1604131209 PDF | 112 pages 10.62 MB

CJ Lyons - Lifelines

CJ Lyons - Lifelines Publisher: Berkley | 2008-03-04 ISBN: 0425220826 PDF | 416 pages 5.57 MB

Klaus Grasser, Gernot Minke - Building with Pumice

Klaus Grasser, Gernot Minke - Building with Pumice Publisher: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | 1992-02-04 ISBN: 3528020555 PDF | 86 pages 5.32 MB

Charles Bettelheim, Neill G. Burton - China since Mao

Charles Bettelheim, Neill G. Burton - China since Mao Publisher: Monthly Review Press | 1978-09-01 ISBN: 0853454744 PDF | 130 pages 10.40 MB

Paul A. Baran, Paul M. Sweezy - Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order

Paul A. Baran, Paul M. Sweezy - Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order Publisher: Monthly Review Press | 1968-06-01 ISBN: 0853450730 PDF | 416 pages 54.77 MB

Robert L. Snow - Child Abduction: Prevention, Investigation, and Recovery

Robert L. Snow - Child Abduction: Prevention, Investigation, and Recovery Publisher: Praeger | 2008-09-30 ISBN: 0313347867 PDF | 192 pages 5.78 MB

T. Chris Riley-Tillman, Matthew K. Burns - Evaluating Educational Interventions

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Donald H. Baucom, Douglas K. Snyder, Kristina Coop Gordon - Helping Couples Get Past the Affair: A Clinician's Guide

 Donald H. Baucom, Douglas K. Snyder, Kristina Coop Gordon - Helping Couples Get Past the Affair: A Clinician's Guide   Publisher: The Guilford Press | 2009-02-11 ISBN: 1606230670 PDF | 351 pages 5.27 MB

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II vol 1-5

Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II vol 1-5 Publisher: Elsevier Science ISBN: 0080437486 | edition 2003 PDF | 3874 pages 66,6 mb

David Onnekink - The Anglo-dutch Favourite: The Career of Hans Willem Bentinck

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The Options Edge: Winning the Volatility Game with Options On Futures (Repost)

The Options Edge: Winning the Volatility Game with Options On Futures (Repost)  Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies ISBN: 0070382964 | edition 1998 PDF | 295 pages 13,8 mb

How to Do Everything with Your BlackBerry (Repost)

How to Do Everything with Your BlackBerry (Repost) Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media  ISBN: 0072255870 | edition 2004 CHM | 368 pages  11,8 mb

99 Floral Motifs to Crochet

99 Floral Motifs to Crochet Publisher: Leisure Arts ISBN: N\A | edition 1997 JPG | 54 pages 10,3 mb

Natural Language Processing for Online Applications: Text Retrieval, Extraction, and Categorization

Natural Language Processing for Online Applications: Text Retrieval, Extraction, and Categorization Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Co ISBN: 1588112500 | edition 2002 PDF | 237 pages 14,3 mb

How Coaching Works: The Essential Guide to the History and Practice of Effective Coaching

How Coaching Works: The Essential Guide to the History and Practice of Effective Coaching Publisher: A&C Black ISBN: 0713682612 edition 2008 PDF | 258 pages 16,2 mb

Fundamentals of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices

Fundamentals of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices Cambridge University Press | 2009 ISBN: 0521868238 212 pages | PDF 2 MB

Metaphors, Narratives, Emotions: Their Interplay and Impact (Consciousness, Literature & the Arts)

Metaphors, Narratives, Emotions: Their Interplay and Impact (Consciousness, Literature & the Arts) Publisher: Rodopi ISBN: 9042027797 | edition 2009 PDF | 408 pages | 2 mb

Representation and Rebellion: The Rockefeller Plan at the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 1914-1942

Representation and Rebellion: The Rockefeller Plan at the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 1914-1942 Publisher: University Press of Colorado ISBN: 087081964X | edition 2010 PDF | 344 pages 1,6 mb

Same Time, Same Station: Creating American Television

Same Time, Same Station: Creating American Television Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN: 0801879337 | edition 2007  PDF  460 pages  2,5 mb

Kaplan TOEFL iBT (2008-2009 Edition)

Powerful, Practical Tools to Help You Score Higher • e-Book (Reading) • Audio (Listening) • Software (Practice & Test) Includes : • 4 practice tests on CD-ROM in iBT format • Audio CD and transcripts of authentic-language conversations for listening comprehension • 8 comprehensive chapters of reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice • Hundreds of strategies for answering integrated skills questions

Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted (Hardcover) By Daniel G. Amen M.D

Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted (Hardcover) By Daniel G. Amen M.D From the bestselling author of "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" and "Magnificent Mind at Any Age" comes a breakthrough approach to harnessing brain power to improve overall health and body function. (Consumer Health)THE KEY TO A BETTER BODY--in shape, energized, and youthful--is a healthy brain. Based on the latest medical research, as well as on Dr. Amen's two decades of clinical practice at the re-nowned Amen Clinics, where Dr. Amen and his as-sociates pioneered the use of the most advanced brain imaging technology, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body" shows you how to take the very best care of your brain. With fifteen practical, easy-to-implement solutions involving nutritious foods, natural supplements and vitamins, positive-thinking habits, and, when neces-sary, highly targeted medications, Dr. Amen shows ...

The Big Short The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis

The Big Short  The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis Years before he gave 
us The Blind Side , Michael 
Lewis wrote one of the defining financial books of the 1980s, Liar's Poker , a riveting account of the heady bond-trading years at Salomon Brothers. His latest offering is an account of the subprime 
mortgage meltdown and origins of the global recession. The Big Short doesn't seem to be as nicely sourced as Poker, but its narrative has the same seat-of-your-pants, almost breathless feel. Still, the bottom line is that this is not the first book on 
the hot-button topic, and it's not 
the best, either. That honor goes to John Lanchester for his witty, elegant primer I.O.U. B List Price: $27.95 Price: $15.37 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. You Save: $12.58 (45%)