Collins French with Paul Noble (Collins Easy Learning) (French and English Edition)

Collins French with Paul Noble (Collins Easy Learning) (French and English Edition)
Collins | 2010 | ISBN-10: 0007363958 | ISBN-13: 978 0007363957 | French/English | PDF+MP3 | 96 pages | Length: 12:41:00 | 394.95 Mb
Collins French with Paul Noble combines an exciting, new non-traditional approach to language learning with the easy, relaxed appeal of an audio-only product. No books. No rote memorisation. No chance of failure. Paul Noble is a genius with a higher IQ than Einstein. Despite this, he still struggled with language learning at school. He found himself feeling 'confused, incapable and unable to really say anything'. As a result of his negative early experiences, Paul has come up with a groundbreaking new method of language teaching that removes the need for months of study. With Paul Noble, everyone really can speak a language. Listen to over 13 hours of audio on 12 CDs, then use the accompanying booklet as a reference and revision tool. A native-speaking French expert helps Paul to deliver the course and to perfect your pronunciation. There is also a free introductory DVD to give you an insight into how the Paul Noble method works. No complicated grammatical explanations, no rote memorisation, no writing -- no stress. Learn over 6,000 words in no time at all and -- most importantly -- learn how to make your new vocabulary work for you.
Reviews of Collins French with Paul Noble by Amazon customers: "We both have a basic grasp of the relevant languages but this course is helping to improve our speaking ability better than all the previous attempts we have made. Try it." "The language is explained in a simple way and the teacher doesn't use complex grammar terms! Instead the teacher more or less just leads you into French so that you find you can more or less start speaking it just a couple of hours in. For me though the absolute best thing about it is that it has allowed me to speak in full, proper sentences in French! A fantastic course and a well deserved 5 stars!" "At last an easy way to learn a language! Easy to understand plus an easy one to pop into the car cd player and use on the move, so no more 'I haven't the time! A lot more entertaining than text books and the old fashioned way of learning a different language other than the mother tongue. '" "Overall, the method being used is superb and I feel it more or less guarantees that someone will be speaking French by the end. This is what has happened to me -- and for the first time!" Reviews of Paul Noble's Language Institute courses: "I'm utterly amazed by it. I can't recommend it highly enough." "Really brilliant. It's changed everything." "It was so relaxing. It was the first time I've ever tried studying a language where I didn't feel stressed at all. It was just what I needed -- and probably what everyone else needs too. It just made the language seem so simple and easy to learn." "The course was so interesting; it was amazing how the language was pulled apart and then put together again by us ourselves, so that we can actually now leave and speak German." "I did 'O' Level French at school and spent several holidays in France but could never really say much beyond bonjour and merci. Now, I can make up my own sentences and actually communicate what I want to say. The course was so confidence-building that I actually can't shut up speaking the language. It made it easy to talk and, importantly, to go on learning more afterwards. Fabuleux!" "Simply amazing. I would recommend Paul Noble to anyone and everyone, whether you are a complete beginner or you have a basic working knowledge already." "It contrasts dramatically with other experiences I've had of trying to learn foreign languages. I feel I've learnt more in the past two days than I had in the previous two years."

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